Saturday, July 10, 2010


To kill 1's desire is d biggest evil,
like putting your soul on lease 2 devil.
To leave your loved 1's alone is sin,
like having loads of vodka with gin.
To make some1 unhappy is miserable,
like leaving a cheerful person disabled.
To leave a destitute person hungry is atrocious,
like even making stoic person anxious.
To fight your foulest feelings is being conscious,
like waging a war which is ferocious.
To hurt a harmless human is a horror,
like a terrorist killing people to spread terror.
To be able to smell sweet scent of flower,
like experiencing nature's herculean power.
To climbing lightning tower for treasure,
like putting your muscle's might to measure.
To believe in yourself in times trouble is marvelous,
like Newton's wondrous invention of calculus.
To be able to express your love is gift,
like being in yacht,calm ocean adrift.

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