Monday, July 5, 2010



Someday when the stars would be bright,

And the wind will be light.

I know u'll tell me u love me.

Someday wen the roses would have bloomed,

And there'd be nothing left to assume.

I know u'll tell me u love me.

Someday when the fields will be full of green grass ,
And infinite time would have passed .
I know u'll tell me you love me .

Someday when brook will be brimming with water ,
And waterfall will be crackling with laughter .
I know u'll tell me you love me.

Someday when the Himalayas will stop to grow ,
And pace of time becomes slow .
I know u'll tell me you love me .

Someday when the waves stop reaching out to the shore ,
And there is nothing left to explore .
I know u'll tell me you love me .

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