Sunday, October 3, 2010


As the late evening sets,

and a bird flies to the place it finally rests.

I sit in the sultry evening of the late autumn,

i look at the mood so solemn.

With turbulence in wait,ready to explode ,

world of summer looking for its final ode.

The sun rays filter through the yellow leaves ,

N squirrel curls itself in its nest n sleeps .

For the rough times are starting to recede

As to cozy winter we calmly proceed.

We pray for the final calm,

with empty expectant earnest outdrawn palm.

the nature sends us a sincere message ,

to built a new young vibrant passage.

To forget the old differences n seek peace ,

learning from the animals n trees . 

Temples n mosques aren’t built on land ,

they are built on virtues n hearts of grand.

with sound of chirping birds playing melancholy tunes ,

why do we fight over the massacres ruins .

its time to wake , live n rejoice ,

N to forget all troubles n make an intelligent choice !
